Sunday, 3 June 2012

What is Going on With David?

The post bellow is the one i linked to from Facebook and Twitter. You may wish to read that first.

I said I might do two blog posts tonight. Well this is the second and much more personal one. I've never posted personal stuff either on this blog or on Facebook/Twitter, I'm much too private a person for that but right at the moment I just want to get stuff out and this might be a good way to do it.

At times like these I wish I was as good a writer as my old friend Duncan. His blog when he was going through some bad times was moving, thought provoking and, dare I say it, almost beautiful. Mine has a chance of degenerating into a rant. I'll try to not let it come to that. In fact if it does I won't post it, I'll re-write it and you'll never know. This could have gone through fifteen draughts and you'd never be any the wiser.

To the person this is mostly about: You probably won't ever read this but if you do I hope you understand it. There is some stuff in here I wish I could have said to you in real life. Some of it I couldn't because I got too tongue-tied  when I was around you. Some of it I couldn't because we never gave each other the chance. I wish I could have seen you one last time.

The Hunger Games vs Battle Royale: A Fight to the Death

A poor excuse for a picture of Jennifer Lawrence 

So I told you I'd start using this blog for other things. Well here we go. This is probably going to be the first of two blog posts I do tonight. I haven't quite decided if I'm going to do the other one because it's a lot more personal but we'll see...

Anyway, you may or may not be aware that a film version of The Hunger Games came out a little while ago based on the book by Suzanne Collins. It was something I was utterly unaware of until I joined a website called and the one person I was was friends with on there at the time had it in her "to read" list. Once the film came out a month or so later I started seeing people comparing it to another, Japanese film called Battle Royale its self based on a book of the same name by Koushun Takami. Apparently there has been a bit of controversy with people saying that The Hunger Games is based on or even copied off Battle Royale. So I decided to do a bit of research and watched both films and read both books.