Monday, 31 August 2015

I Said I'd Tell You...

I've done it. I hit my target and smashed through it. As of tonight I have lost 23.4lbs with one more week to go. I'm going to see if I can hit 25lbs which everyone says I will because apparently the last week is always a big one. Anyway, that's all I came to say, just so you knew.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

So How's it Going?

I said I'd keep you informed about how my weight lost challenge went didn't I? But I haven't have I? Oops, oh well, that's what comes of being an occasional blogger. "How is it going though?", that's the question I'm sure none of you were thinking until you started reading this but it's right there on your lips now isn't it?

Sunday, 26 July 2015

6 Week 20lbs Challenge

Well here I am, in a coffee shop, eating what is my last brie and bacon sandwich and lemon tart for at least six weeks.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

If Your God...

A day or two ago a wise Facebook and Twitter friend of mine (you know, one of those people who you know a lot of intimate detail about, live halfway around the world and you have never actually met) posted a thing on face book which said "If God needs you to kill in his name then he is an incompetent God" (or words to that effect - sorry Maja if if misquoted you a little). This is something I think some people in certain parts of the world should probably think about and it is also something I've seen commented on in other atheist discussions. It got me thinking, what else could be prefixed with "If your God"?

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Hop to It

So last week, after my rant I said I might do a post about beer. So here it is.

ThIs might come as a surprise to some of you but I actually don't drink much. Ignore the fact that my garage is full of a huge amount of home brew. Some of you will also have the impression that I drink cider but that's just because of Sunday Cider, where I drink one bottle of cider on a Sunday night and tweet about it. I started doing that because I knew nothing about cider and I wanted to try lots of different types. No, when I do drink it's almost always some form of beer, and I'm definitely a real ale or craft beer drinker these days. I can barely stomach mass produced, commercial beer anymore and don't even talk to me about that crap we call lager in Britain. 

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Sunday, 22 February 2015

What the Hell was that about?

Remember when movies used to be about things? Is it just because I'm getting old or are there a surprising number of films around these days that are essentially plot free? Was there ever a golden age of plotful films?

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Slug Juice and Ranting

It has been suggested that my blog should be more about the minutiae of life, the inanities of everyday living so erm, I'm going to try it today...

Sunday, 8 February 2015

A Little Bit Political

**This entry was started on Saturday 20th September 2014 then finished later**

I'm posting this now mainly because Chris from work challenged me to blog something by this Sunday and told me that I should blog a little bit every day. I'm not going to do that but I am going to try and blog a little bit every week from now on because I like doing it. I like writing - it helps to get the stupid out. Anyway, as the not at the top says I started writing what comes next just after the Scottish independence referendum during all the hand wringing about "English votes for English issues" and I've finished off today, Sunday 8th February 2015. The new bit starts from what is now, now that I've written this bit, the third paragraph.

Wow, its a long time since I posted anything on here. Sorry folks, not much has motivated me to write anything for a while but today after listening to Any Questions on BBC Radio 4 (I know, its always likely to enrage me) something has. Now I've never talked politics on my blog before, although I suppose some would see driving an electric car as some sort of political statement - it honestly wasn't - but I'm going to today. I'm just going to get my opinion on this subject out there.

So on Thursday the Scottish people voted to stay part of the United Kingdom despite what I saw as the media's best attempts to make it look like a forgone conclusion that they wanted to leave. Within 24 hours the question of the future of our constitution came up with David Cameron mentioning things like English votes for English people, people talking about devo-max (is that how you write it?) in Scotland and of course Wales and Northern Ireland just being ignored. One person on Any Questions asked the question (and I'm paraphrasing a little here "Is it time for the UK to become federal?" to which all the answers were, slightly surprisingly, a non-committal, muffled sort of yes. The Scottish people on the panel blustered on about them getting more devolved powers and not wasting any political capital on sounding like they give a crap about anybody else, while everyone else just blustered on. Although Ken Clarke (the only Tory I've ever really had any time for) gave quite a good answer demonstrating the phrase that politicians never say but should - "it's a little bit more complicated than that." He demonstrated the complications involved in things like Scottish MP's not voting on English matters Could have unexpected and desirable results.