Monday, 26 August 2013

OK So It's Been More Than A Week

In my last post I said I'd probably write another post after a week or so to let you know how I was doing. Sorry it's been more than a few week shut here it is. How am I getting on without the tablets? Just fine thanks. I'm managing to sleep OK although I'm dreaming a lot more but so far I've not woken up screaming or wimpering which is something I used to do. So yeah, I'm feeling a lot healthier, at least mentally speaking.

One thing the medication I was on did do was make me put on weight (no that's not an excuse, it was an official side effect written on the little leaflet thing that came in the box) and I'm very well aware that I've put on more than a few of the pounds I lost a few years ago. I'll be honest and say I'm struggling to get rid of them. I've been trying to eat carefully and did start cycling a little bit but its not going massively to plan. My housemate recently did what I would call a mad 4 week intensive diet/exercise plan a little while ago and did really well with it but my problem with that sort of thing is that it doesn't actually change anything. You lose a load of weight and feel better for a while but if you go straight back to eating the way you were before then what was the point? I was going to do it with him again but after some time thinking about it I decided that actually I've lost 7 stone in the past just doing it my way and I've kept most of that off for 4 years or so now, I know what I have to do and can do it again myself. It's just having the motivation to keep it up. I know one thing that really is scuppering me at the moment is the beer. I've never been a massive drinker but recently if been getting into the real ale more than before and I know it's having an effect. I've got to be stronger and say no more often.

So I suppose I've got to start finding new things to blog about. I'm about to go in and watch Elysium which I've been looking forward to all year because I enjoyed District 9 so much so I might blog about that and start doing more stuff on films and books. I'm obviously trying to nab myself one of those girlfriend things that people talk about so much as well. It may or may not be a laugh blogging about that. I'll probably do more introvert stuff as well. Any ideas, advice, questions, answers, suggestions and subjects would be gratefully received so fire away in the comments.
posted from Bloggeroid

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