Monday 26 August 2013

OK So It's Been More Than A Week

In my last post I said I'd probably write another post after a week or so to let you know how I was doing. Sorry it's been more than a few week shut here it is. How am I getting on without the tablets? Just fine thanks. I'm managing to sleep OK although I'm dreaming a lot more but so far I've not woken up screaming or wimpering which is something I used to do. So yeah, I'm feeling a lot healthier, at least mentally speaking.

Sunday 4 August 2013

No More Chemicals

First of all I'd just like to say bloody hell, you write one blog post about introversion and your page hits go through the roof. Seriously that one post got more than twice as many views than all the rest of my posts put together. So now I know what you like. Especially Americans it seems. They apparently love a bit of the introversion. So yeah I will probably talk about that more in the future but for now here's something else...