Tuesday 9 August 2011

First Impressions Last Forever

I've got it! The iOn is mine! Wahahahahaaaa! First impressions? Lets face it, it looks almost as silly as its name sounds. We'll leave that to one side for now though. It seems bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside and is actually quite comfortable (in the front anyway). Pulling away was odd, it's so quiet you think it might just be rolling away without any power then you realise that no, that's what it's like. After a lap around work I felt ready to hit the motorway but instead I had to hit the A1 Carpark. I should point out at this point that I had 50 miles of range left in the batteries as I left Great Park - this will become important later on. As I drove in the stop start traffic I was marvelling at the quiet smoothness of the thing but as I got into some free flowing traffic I realised how much noise as you drive is actually just road and wind noise and how quiet most modern engines must be. There wasn't a huge amount of difference between this and my Stilo. Don't get me wrong, it is quieter and smoother just not as much as you'd think.

So anyway, by the time I'd pulled up to my parent's house I had 39 miles of range left which I think isn't bad - 11 miles of charge used for a 15 mile journey. But now for the weird bit. I took my mam and dad out for the obligatory spin up to Waldridge and back and by the end I only had 15 miles left. Now that round trip is 8 miles at the most but I used 24 miles worth of charge! What?! So the whole range thing is still up in the air for me. It is now tucked away in the garage charging away to it's self.

Overall so far I like it. It's no slower than the Stilo, it's nice and quiet and it seems pretty well built (although there was one rattle coming from the dashboard) but I'm sure I'll have more to say tomorrow...


  1. how many warnings did you get as it ran out of juice?

  2. None but I think that's because it tells you really clearly how many miles are left - you can't really miss it. Plus 15 miles left isn't too bad.
